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St Benedict’s Kindergarten

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    8:30am - 2:45pm

Conveniently located at St Benedict’s Primary School and College your child will benefit from our close relationship with the school. Our children make weekly visits to the school library for reading with their grade two buddies and when we return choose a book to borrow from our kindergarten library, which they are given responsibility for caring for and returning, as preparation for school. They also enjoy visits to the prep classrooms, playgrounds and attend school events including sports carnivals and assemblies. During each visit your child will become more familiar with the school grounds and learn new skills such as how to use the water bubblers. Our educators will watch your child’s confidence grow as they become part of our broader school and parish community and prepare for school.

At St Benedict’s we believe each child is unique and learns differently, so our team will spend time getting to know your child and family so we can create engaging learning experiences that capture their interest and help them build new skills.

We offer a Queensland Government approved kindergarten program taught by a university qualified early childhood teacher. As a sessional kindergarten children complete a five-day fortnight, during school hours and school terms.

"Thank you for being such wonderful role models for our child. It's lovely to be met with a smile each day and have such warm and friendly teachers to help my child grow and learn."


Exploring nature 

Children love exploring our gardens, often finding creatures that become the inspiration for the day’s experiences at kindy. An encounter with a caterpillar sparked a flurry of questions among the children, prompting discussions about its habitat and dietary preferences. This conversation, in turn, motivated the children to actively participate in planting additional soft leaf plants in the vegetable garden, creating a welcoming environment for more caterpillars. The day unfolded with exploration of the caterpillar’s life, featuring activities such as storytelling using “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and engaging in creative play to retell the story. 

Exploring colours 

In kindergarten children explore colours and experiment to see how colours change when mixed. The children formed groups and then added different food colouring and observed the changes that occurred as each new colour was added. They especially enjoyed predicting what colour would be created next. 

Current Fee Schedule

Fees are reviewed annually and may be increased each year. Quality care for children, affordability for families and financial viability of the service are the key elements in determining fees.
