Notre Dame OSHC at Bells Creek now open
We are pleased to announce the opening of Notre Dame Outside School Hours Care, at the Sunshine Coast’s newest school, Notre Dame College at Bells Creek.
Children from Catholic Early EdCare services have joined millions of students and teachers across the country to read ‘The Speedy Sloth’, as part of 2023 National Simultaneous Storytime.
Children from Catholic Early EdCare services have joined millions of students and teachers across the country to read ‘The Speedy Sloth’, as part of 2023 National Simultaneous Storytime.
The National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) to promote literacy among young people. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, family day cares, childcare centres, family homes and bookshops.
Catholic Early EdCare General Manager of Program and Practice Kirsten Holland said reading was part of everyday practice in Catholic Early EdCare programs.
“The importance of reading and literacy during a child’s first five years of growth, is critical to their brain, language and emotional development,” said Kirsten.
“Our services create dedicated spaces where children can listen and engage with stories read by the educators. They will then provide opportunities for children to explore story scenes and characters through play, for example through art or re-enacting the story with other children.”
“Often the underlying message of a story will also provide an important opportunity for learning. The Speedy Sloth is a good example of this.”
The Speedy Sloth, written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie is an enjoyable, rhyming read, which carries an inclusive message about running your own race and celebrates all winners, especially those who don’t come first.
For free age-appropriate advice, activities and tips on how you can talk, sing, read and play everyday visit State Library of Queensland ‘First 5 Forever’ or Australian Parenting website ‘Raising Children’, don’t forget your local community and library will have many programs as well, so reach out to see what’s happening in your neighbourhood.